Dr. Nanan brings a wealth of experience and expertise in the use of -omics technologies for the study of gene regulation and epigenetics. Some of you may know him from his role as Project Manager and Education Lead for the Ontario Molecular Pathology Research Network (OMPRN), where he remains instrumental in the daily operation of network activities. He also manages a small team at OMPRN and leads the collaborative development of workshops and educational materials for healthcare professionals, researchers and the public.
In this additional role, Dr. Nanan will manage the services, technologies and facilities that facilitate genomics research in the department. Focusing initially on whole exome, genome, and transcriptome sequencing, he will coordinate the expansion of research genomic offerings in the department. He will also work with hospital staff and leaders to develop policies and procedures that coordinate research and clinical genomics. Finally, he will foster collaborations across the university and with external partners, enhancing our research capabilities and impact. Dr. Nanan will report directly to Dr. Berman in this role.
Last Updated: 2024 August 12