Faculty & Staff All Primary Appointments Cross Appointed Faculty Adjunct Faculty Diagnostic and Molecular Pathology Resident Research Post-Doctoral Fellows Staff Current Graduate Students Former Graduate Students Emeritus Faculty Abdulhameed Abdulhamed Diagnostic and Molecular… Flourish AdebayoPhD Candidate Tanzila AfrinPost Doctoral Fellow Lis AndersenAdministrative Assistant to Joyce… Mark AndrewsGraduate Program Assistant Fateme BabahaPhD Candidate Sam BastaProfessor Paul BattyAdjunct faculty Shubha Satyamurthy Belluradjunct faculty David BermanProfessor Sandy BoagAssociate Professor Sarah-Anne BowenMSc Candidate Asia BoydMSc Candidate Scott Bradshawadjunct assistant professor (… Christine BrownLab Technologist Emily BucciolMSc Candidate Marco ButtigiegPhD Candidate Jeannie CallumProfessor Madeleine CarewMSc Candidate Michael Chanadjunct faculty Tim ChildsAssociate Professor Susan ColeProfessor Emerita (and Adjunct… Emine Coskun Tricia CottrellAssistant Professor Susan CrockerAssociate Professor/adjunct faculty Kristopher CunninghamAssistant Professor Simona DamianiMSc Candidate Scott DaveyProfessor Chris DavidsonAssistant Professor Roger DeeleyEmeritus Professor Joyce deVette-McPhailAdministrative Director, Clinical… Bruce ElliottEmeritus Professor Daniel EspirituPhD Candidate Gerald EvansProfessor Ken EvansAdjunct faculty Pat FarmerAssistant Professor/adjunct faculty James FarmerAdjunct faculty Harriet FeilotterProfessor Adjunct 1 Gabor FichtingerProfessor Sylvia Fongadjunct faculty Michael FotheringhamPhD Candidate Keira FrosstPhD Candidate Anni GePhD Candidate Joseph GeraciAdjunct faculty Hamid Ghaediadjunct assistant professor Abdi GhaffariAdjunct Assistant Professor Lev GoldfarbAdjunct Professor Yanping GongAssistant Professor David GoodAssociate Professor Robert GoodingProfessor Peter GreerProfessor Andrea GrinAssistant Professor Andrea GuerinAssociate Professor Yawei HaoLab Technologist Danielle HarperPhD Candidate Megan HinesPhD Candidate Victoria HoskinPost-Doctoral Fellow Yun HuangAssistant Professor/adjunct faculty David HurlbutAssociate Professor Montdher HussainPhD Candidate Natasha IaboniPhD Candidate Tashifa ImtiazPhD Candidate Nadia Ismiiladjunct assistant professor Chelsea Jacksonadjunct assistant professor Tamara Jamaspishviliadjunct faculty Paula JamesProfessor Michelle JohnsonMedical Secretary - KHSC Igor JurisicaAdjunct faculty Tynan KellyPhD Candidate Teaghan Koster Diagnostic and Molecular… Nicholas Lao Diagnostic and Molecular… David LeBrunAdjunct 1 Professor and Professor… David Lee Denis LehotayAdjunct faculty Shuxiang LiPost-Doctoral Fellow David LillicrapProfessor Shang Wan (Shalon) Liu Diagnostic and Molecular… Bryan Luu Diagnostic and Molecular… Anna Majury Paul ManleyEmeritus Professor Matthew MartinMSc Candidate Don MauriceProfessor Andrew Mazurek Diagnostic and Molecular… Micheline McDonaldEducation Coordinator Andrew McLellanResearch Assistant, Cottrell Lab Amy McNaughtonLab Technologist Serisha MoodleyPost-Doctoral Fellow Dr. Olga MoshkinAdjunct 1 – Assistant Professor Dr. Parvin MousaviProfessor Christopher MuellerProfessor Lois MulliganProfessor Kyster NananScientific and Operational Lead,… Jina NanayakkaraMD/PhD Candidate Paola Nasute FauerbachPhD Candidate Chris NicolAssociate Professor Colleen NotleyResearch Coordinator Curtis OleschukClinical Biochemist/adjunct faculty Larissa OliveiraPhD Candidate Francis OpokuMSc Candidate Dr. Christine OrrMD, MHPE, FRCPC Daria OsterverkhovaPhD Candidate Amira Othman Diagnostic and Molecular… Sola Oyegbile Anna PanchenkoProfessor Ciara Perez Patrick Martin PetkovichProfessor Nicholas Phillipow Diagnostic and Molecular… Teodora Popa Diagnostic and Molecular… Cynthia PrussAssistant Professor Graeme QuestAssociate Professor Eman RadwanPhD Candidate Anisur RahmanPhD Candidate Michael RauhAssociate Professor Kevin RenAssistant Professor Neil RenwickAssociate Professor Tracey RoseMedical Secretary - KHSC John RossiterProfessor Waheed SangrarAdjunct faculty Ana Santos-CachacoMedical Secretary - KHSC Mark SchneiderAssistant Professor Julia SchuurmansMSc Candidate Laura SemenukPhD Candidate Ivan ShapovalovPhD Candidate Sydney ShepherdMSc Candidate Lois ShepherdEmeritus Professor/adjunct faculty Prameet ShethAssociate Professor/adjunct faculty Julie ShizasMSc Candidate Julian SimonettiMSc Candidate Calvin SjaardaAdjunct 1 – Assistant Professor Josephina SmythFinancial Administrative Assistant Shivani Soni Diagnostic and Molecular… Jeremy SquireAdjunct faculty Julia SteedMedical Secretary - KHSC Howard SteeleEmeritus Professor Laura SwystunPost-Doctoral Fellow Jeffrey TanguayAssistant Professor Julie TarrantPhD Candidate Dr. Lewis TomaltyAdjunct Associate Professor Gabby TorrettoMSc Candidate Barb TurcotteAdministrative Assistant - KHSC Kathrin TyryshkinAdjunct faculty Kaitlin VanderbeckAssistant Professor Sonal VarmaAssociate Professor Shakeel VirkManager of the CCTG Tumour Tissue… Jagdeep WaliaAssistant Professor Tim WalkerPhD Candidate Ami WangAssistant Professor Tao WangAssistant Professor Casey WongPhD Candidate Henry Wongassistant adjunct faculty Minqi XuAssistant Professor Amanda XuAssistant Professor Evelyn YachPhD Candidate Yuexin (Bill) YangQLMP (Queens Laboratory for… Xiaojing YangLab Technologist Xiaolong YangProfessor Paul YoungProfessor Iain YoungEmeritus Professor Nick ZhangQLMP (Queen's Laboratory for… Dick ZoutmanEmeritus Professor