This is an exciting time of growth, innovation, and success for our Department which is uniquely placed at the interfaces between basic biomedical sciences, clinical laboratory services, and personalized molecular medicine.
DPMM is home to many vibrant research programs with focussed areas of excellence including cancer biology, genetics and genomics, tumour immunology, molecular diagnostics, hematopoiesis, and molecular hemostasis. We host the Queen’s Laboratory for Molecular Pathology core research facility as well as the Canadian Cancer Trials Group tumour bank. The well-established DPMM Graduate program offers Master’s and PhD degrees and a recently added combined BScH/MSc degree that allows students to transition 4th-year undergraduate research projects into accelerated (1-year) Master’s degrees.
Our Anatomic Pathology residency program offers a very popular single-site training environment with extensive one-on-one teaching by our collegial pathology team and is leading the transition to Competency-Based Medical Education for Canadian pathology residency training. Queen’s final year pathology residents can be proud of their 100% Royal College exam pass rate over the last 10 years. DPMM provides a full range of clinical lab services to the Queen’s affiliated teaching hospitals and has a thriving outreach program that extends to the entire southeast Ontario region.
Please browse our website, see what we have to offer, and feel free to contact us for more information about opportunities in our Department. We look forward to hearing from you!
David M. Berman, MD, PhD
Professor and Head, Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine